Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors

Commemorative_gift_gold_coin_Libra_in_a_case_with_autographed_from_authors_01_ks Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors

Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors
The certificate bears the signatures of the authors of the coins, brothers Serhiy and Oleksandr Kharuk. “Libra” gold coin is a commemorative gift gold coin of the zodiac sign, issued by the National Bank of Ukraine as part of the “Zodiac Signs” series of coins. The coin is dedicated to the constellation “Libra”. Each gold coin is accompanied by a NBU certificate, with a description of all the characteristics of the coin. On the obverse side of the coin there is a circle, diagonally divided into sectors that symbolize the four elements – earth, air, water, fire; in the center of the circle – a stylized image of the sun. To the left of the circle is the small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine, to the right is the mintage time of the coin, the designation of the metal, the sample is Au 999.9, the weight is 1.24; around the coin are the inscriptions: NATIONAL BANK OF UKRAINE (above), 2 HRYVNY (below), as well as the logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine. On the reverse side of the coin there is a stylized image of the zodiac sign “Libra” surrounded by stars, as well as the symbol of the zodiac sign.
Commemorative gift gold coin Libra in a case with autographed from authors

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